Dental reimbursement is based on the Province of Residence Dental Fee Guide as determined time to time by the Trustees. If the cost of dental services is expected to exceed $500, Predetermination of Benefits, which is explained on the next page, is strongly advised.
Deductible: Nil
Percentage Payable
Basic/Preventative: 100%
Endodontic/Periodontic: 100%
Dentures (Removable or Fixed): 50%
& Repairs, Relining, and Rebasing
Major Restorative: 50%
Orthodontics: 50%
Calendar Year Maximum: $1,500
(excluding Orthodontics)
Lifetime Maximum for Orthodontics: $1,000
(Orthodontics coverage terminates at age 19)
Complete Exam & X-ray Series: Once every 24 months
Recall Exams: Every 6 months
Scaling / Root Planing: 8 units per calendar year
Repairs, Relining & Rebasing: Once every 24 months
of Dentures