Modern Landfill Terminated June 1, 2015

Benefit Amount

Percentage Payable: 
100% for drug ingredient costs, after deductible 
100% for all other health expenses, except where noted.

Drugs Deductible:                     
$3.00 per prescription

Other Deductible:                     

Calendar Year Maximum:            
$1,000,000 per individual

Lifetime Maximum Benefit:          
$1,000,000 per individual

Covered by reimbursement

Private/Semi-Private Hospital:     

Convalescent/Rehabilitation Hospital (Within Home Province):
Semi-Private room & board rate for a maximum of 120 days per period of disability, provided disability commences prior to age 65.

Local Ambulance Benefit: 
$200 per disability

Air Ambulance Benefit:  
Combined with Ground Ambulance Benefit

Out of Hospital Nursing:  
$10,000 every 3 years

Health Practitioners Benefit: 

Calendar Year Limits: 
$250 per practitioner
Chiropractor, Osteopath, Naturopath, Chiropodist/Podiatrist,   includes one X-Ray per type of Practitioner.

Speech Therapist   
$300 per calendar year

Licensed Clinical Psychologist 
$200 per calendar year

$12.50/visit, maximum of $250

Registered Massage Therapist 
$250 Calendar Year Maximum

Accidental Dental:  
$5,000 per accident

Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies: 

Breast Prosthesis  
Once every 5 years at 80%

Surgical Stockings  
2 pair per calendar year

Surgical Brassieres  
2 per calendar year

Once per lifetime

Once per lifetime

Orthopedic Shoes Or Orthotics, Combined: 
One pair every 3 years to a maximum of $500

Hearing Care Benefit:  
$2,000 per person in any 60 month period, including repairs and replacement.

Ontario Teamsters Benefit Trust Fund Benefit Plan Administrators Ltd.
90 Burhamthorpe Road West, Suite 300 Mississuaga, Ontario L5B 3C3