Your insurance continues automatically for each month for which a contribution is received from your employer.

Termination of Coverage

Your insurance will cease as follows:

  1. The date the Group Master Policy is cancelled or terminated, or;
  2. The first day of any month in which your employer ceases to make contributions on your behalf, or;
  3. The last day of any month in which you have made the maximum number of contributions under the “DIRECT PAYMENTS” option, but not beyond your attainment of age 65, or;
  4. The last day of any month in which the Trust Fund has made the maximum monthly contributions under the “FUND ASSISTANCE” provision, but not beyond your attainment of age 65, or;
  5. The first of the month following the month in which you attain the benefit age limit which is set out in the “SUMMARY OF BENEFITS” sections of this website, or;
  6. The date you cease to be in a class of persons who may be insured under this policy.

On termination of your coverage you may have the option to convert a portion of your Life Insurance coverage to an individual Life Insurance Policy.  For more details please refer to the Description of Benefits, Employee Life Insurance, Conversion Privilege section of this website.

In the event that you are disabled, or in the event of your death, some benefits may be extended to you or your dependents.  Please refer to the specific benefit description sections under the Description of Benefits in this website.   If your employment is terminated because of retirement and you are age 65, you may be eligible to self-pay for benefits under the Ontario Teamsters Retirement Plan.  Please contact the administrator for further information.

Coverage for your dependents will terminate on the date such dependent ceases to meet the dependent eligibility requirements.

Reinstatement of Coverage

Your coverage will be reinstated after a period of termination if you meet the criteria of Member Eligibility as described previously in this website.

Ontario Teamsters Benefit Trust Fund Benefit Plan Administrators Ltd.
90 Burhamthorpe Road West, Suite 300 Mississuaga, Ontario L5B 3C3