Benefit Amount:
Percentage Payable:
80% for drug ingredient costs,
100% for all other health expenses, except 80% for Breast Prosthesis
Drugs Deductible:
Other Deductible:
Calendar Year Maximum:
$1,000,000 per individual
Lifetime Maximum Benefit:
$1,000,000 per individual
Pay Direct Drug Card, $6.50 Maximum Dispensing Fee
Private/Semi-Private Hospital:
Convalescent/Rehabilitation Hospital (Within Home Province):
Semi-Private room & board rate for a maximum of 120 days per period of disability, provided disability commences prior to age 65.
Local Ambulance Benefit:
$200 per disability
Air Ambulance Benefit:
Combined with Ground Ambulance Benefit
Out of Hospital Nursing:
$10,000 every 3 years
Health Practitioners Benefit:
Calendar Year Limits: $1000 per practitioner
Chiropractor, Osteopath, Naturopath, Chiropodist/Podiatrist, includes one X-Ray per type of Practitioner. And Speech Therapist, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Physiotherapist, Registered Massage Therapist.
Accidental Dental:
$5,000 per accident
Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies:
Breast Prosthesis
Once every 5 years at 80%
Surgical Stockings
2 pair per calendar year
Surgical Brassieres
2 per calendar year
Once per lifetime
Once per lifetime
Orthopedic Shoes Or Orthotics, Combined:
One pair every 3 years to a maximum of $500
Hearing Care Benefit:
$2,000 per person in any 60 month period, including repairs and replacement.