Extended Health Care Benefits
Drug & Expense Deductible:
$7.00 dispensing fee drug card.
Drug Coinsurance:
80% for drug ingredient costs,
Other Eligible Expenses Coinsurance:
80% except where noted.
Calendar/Lifetime Maximum:
Eligible Health Expenses:
Drugs Requiring a Script (Incl. Diabetic Supplies & Excl. Some Lifestyle Drugs) Includes Immunizations, Exclude Vaccines:
Semi Private Hospital:
$150 per day for up-to 120 days, must be admitted for a minimum of 3 nights.
Convalescent Hospital:
Semi-Private rate to maximum of 120 days of confinement.
Local Ambulance:
Charges in excess of Provincial Medical Plan.
Air Ambulance:
Not Covered.
Paramedical Practitioners Benefit:
Calendar Year Limits:
$1000 Calendar Year Each.
Chiropractor, Osteopath, Naturopath, Chiropodist/Podiatrist, Acupuncturist, Masseur. Chiropractor limit includes one X-ray at $25.00.
Registered Massage Therapist:
$500 per calendar year.
$500 per calendar year.
Licensed Clinical Psychologist:
$500 max per calendar year.
Speech Therapist:
$500 max per calendar year.
Private Duty Nursing:
$5,000 per lifetime, prior approval.
Accidental Dental:
Must occur while insured.
Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies:
Rental of Durable Medical Equip, Brace, Splint, Crutch, Oxygen, Artificial Eye/Limb etc.:
Surgical Brassieres:
2 per calendar year R/C
Orthopedic Shoes:
Included; combined with orthotics max: $400 every 3 years.
Combined with Ortho shoes.
Breast Prosthesis:
$300 per 5 year period.
Once per lifetime
Surgical Stockings:
2 pairs per Calendar Year.
Diabetic Supplies:
Covered under drug benefit.
Once per lifetime.
Not Covered.
Hearing Aids:
$2,000 per person in any 60 month period, including repairs and replacement.