Deductible: Nil
Coinsurance - Prescription Drugs: 80%
Coinsurance - Other Eligible Expenses (except where noted): 100%
Vision Care: 100%
Lifetime Maximum: $15,000
Prescription Drugs
The Member or Dependent Spouse over 65 must file a claim with the Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB) first. A Dependent Spouse under age 65 is covered under the active plan.
Chiropractor, Osteopath, Naturopath or Podiatrist/Chiropodist: $300 per specialist per calendar year
Licensed Clinical Psychologist: $35 initial visit and $20 per hour thereafter, $200 per calendar year
Physiotherapist: $12.50 per visit, $250 per calendar year
Registered Massage Therapist: $7 per visit, maximum 12 visits per calendar year
Speech Therapist: $200 per calendar year
Major Medical
Rehabilitation Hospital: Semi-private, $3 per day, maximum 120 days
Ambulance Benefit: $100 per disability
Out-of-Hospital Nursing Services: $1,000 per calendar year
Accidental Dental: Work must be completed within 12 months of accident to a maximum of $5,000 per accident
X-ray & Lab Tests: $500 calendar year maximum
Blood & Blood Plasma: Covered
Durable Medical Equipment (purchase or rental): Covered
Surgical Brassieres: 2 per 12 consecutive months
Breast Prosthesis: Once every 5 years
Surgical Stockings: 1 pair every 12 consecutive months
Wigs & Glucometer: Once per lifetime
Hearing Aid (purchase or replacement): $2,000 per person in any 60 month period, including repairs and replacement.
Oxygen: Covered
Orthopaedic Shoes or Orthotics: 1 pair of either orthopaedic shoes or orthotics to a combined maximum of $500 every
3 years (based on reasonable and customary fees)
Lenses & Frames or Contact Lenses in lieu of glasses: $250 (lenses and frames combined) every 24 months, eye exam included for a Dependent Spouse under age 65
Retinal Eye Exams
Covered for eligible members and their dependents, effective November 1, 2022
Laser Eye Surgery
50% up to $1,000.00 every 5 years, effective January 1, 2020